Welcome 2 Absurdistan! Pissy Pioneers On Their Mission: To Be Ready 4 Whatever, Whenever!

We all know “girls just wanna have fun”, and at this Girl Scout summer camp that couldn’t be more true! Isabella Chrystin, Isabella Livi, and YY another hottie are all looking cute as hell in their matching uniforms, and their “task” for today is to get a sleeping counselor’s cock hard and rocked, and once they get to strokin’ the plan is in action, but it’s not until Isabella unleashes the golden showers that the horny beast is awoken and ready to take on all three babes! These chicks go hard spreading those legs and taking some dick and busting out the piss, turning this camp into a hardcore piss foursome that leaves them all super satisfied campers! This piss romp’s not stopping until those sexy outfits are completely soaked and they all get some nice face and mouth shots, really showing their dedication to the piss cause! Camp has never been so nasty!

Format: mp4
Duration: 33:08
Video: 1280×720, AVC (H.264), 3700kbps
Audio: 189kbps

File size: 945.0 MB