MilitaryClassified Will blowjob

Meet Will. He dates strippers and has been dissed by many of them but he always goes back to them because the sex is good but not GF material. Will is a young horny 27 year old I met online and today I have him sitting in my bedroom and I can’t believe I’m about to suck this straight guy’s cock. He’s got a nice lean body, smooth as a baby’s ass. I managed to convince Will to let me suck his cock for the right amount of money which seems to allow straight guys to justify this action as long as they aren’t doing anything in return of course. Watch as this straight guy gets sucked off by the pro and is left dumbfounded by the orgasm and I got it all on tape!

Format: mp4
Duration: 14:19
Video: 1280×720, AVC (H.264), 1828kbps
Audio: 103kbps

File size: 203.5 MB