MilitaryClassified Slade4 blowjob

I’m sure you are all familiar with Slade, horny young white Marine from San Diego who is stationed out here in California and has managed to entangle himself with good ole Rob and his nasty ways. I’ve brought Slade back because I get requests for him but more importantly for his nice lean, cut, muscular body that is smooth as a baby’s ass and attached to a 6 inch cock that is pleasing to the camera. I sucked this guy from all different positions and ended up beating this boy’s cock to a pulp before he blew his load all over my hands and I caught it all on tape.

Format: mp4
Duration: 14:09
Video: 640×480, AVC (H.264), 1955kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 216.9 MB