Girl next door endures

Welcome Hazel back to Sexually Broken. This cute girl next door is seriously precious. This is not your typical LA Porn model. This girl is a lifestyler in the BDSM world, who came to play for the hottest bondage and rough sex site in the world.

Hazel is flexible and tough. We severely bind her elbows together and hike them up her back with a unique locking tie that I’m sure you will soon see copied elsewhere. With her arms and wrists painfully bound behind her, Hazel finds herself completely helpless.

For a girl that doesn’t do normal porn, Hazel can take a skull fucking with the very best of them. We abuse the back of Hazel’s throat with hard cock and she takes it all. We jam a huge ring gag into her mouth and bind her squatting against the beam. Then we brutally fuck the shit out of Hazel’s tight throat. It’s a category 5 skull fucking that Hazel fights to survive. She handles the cock and handels it well.

We hike Hazel up to a bench and hogtie her to a pully. We hoist her up painfully, and make her cum with the vibrator. The vibrator makes her cum over and over, as we continue to deep throat our cute next girl into next week. Orgasms and cock all the way down her throat is all she can understand, we are brutal and she takes it all.

In the end we suspend our cute amateur Porn Star into a severe Category 5 suspension. Jam our cock down her throat a few times for fun, and let her hang, suffering until the next time we want to use her throat like a pussy…

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:04
Video: 1280×720, AVC (H.264), 7291kbps
Audio: 101kbps

File size: 1.2 GB