Fernando Albuquerque, Harry Louis and Rafael Alencar having sex on stage

The world famous Hustlaball was returned to London on 11th June. Now into its 13th year, the unique sex cabaret and mega dance party has some of the biggest names in the porn and dance industry. Across 5 arenas of Fire nightclub in Vauxhall: 2,500 people partied with over 50 erotic performers and 15 DJ’s.
Hustlaball is legendary for mixing the best of both the porn and dance music worlds, with cutting edge DJs appealing to everyone from high-energy contemporary electro-tribal fans to house music aficionados seeking slower, sleazier sets. A roster of international DJs rotated throughout the club, with LED-light-and-sound installations, kink-themed rooms, and outdoor garden, offering distinct aural, visual, and sensual choices.
In this clip, Fernando Albuquerque, Harry Louis and Rafael Alencar have sex on stage live.

Format: mp4
Duration: 14:32
Video: 1280×720, MP4V, 5187kbps
Audio: 134kbps

File size: 566.7 MB